Ask me a question!
Got a very nice email this morning from Elina Jokisalo from the elearningeuropa eLearning Papers editorial team.
“Dear Mr. Attwell”. she says.
“I want to thank you once again for your article that you wrote for eLearning Papers. In fact, also the readers are appreciating it since your paper is the most read and most downloaded among the ones in the latest number! Related to this, I was wondering if you were interested to do a User Generated Interview with us on the portal elearningeuropa.
Let me explain briefly User Generated Interview (UGI): you would be our selected interviewee and readers could post their questions. When the time for sending questions is ended we would gather the questions and send them to you. You would then have 3-4 weeks time to answer the questions. After that your answers will be published in a form of an interview. ….
So basically your involvement would require answering the questions that the readers make…..
Since the article is so popular I thought that readers might want to “interview” and set some questions to you as well about personal learning environments. Please let me know how you would feel about this. Many thanks for your time!.”
Of course I am delighted to answer any questions. If you want to ask a question go the the participation area on the elearningeuropa site (NB. to see the question form you have to be logged in).