Blackberry and Apple Crumblies
Featured this on the Sounds of the Bazaar last week and a number of people have asked me if they could have a print version. OK, here it is.
I got an email from my mate Jenny in Pontypridd.
“Thought you might like to know what the e-generation (of about Owen’s age funnily enough!!) call the people of your generation (puddings) who they grudgingly accept as nearly ICT literate (and therefore worth talking to occasionally) and are geeky about widgets and gizmos and boys toys (could even have been talking about you) (well, ok was actually talking about you)….
= Blackberry and Apple crumblies.
You’ve been called a lot of things in your time, thought this was one of the better ones – maybe you should admit to it in your blog at some point – or use it elsewhere.
I, on the other hand, don’t qualify. I am apparently an Apple tart – as is everyone with a white Barbie Mac, irrespective of gender.
PS There are more ….
   Dull but posey or posh bastards with the latest go faster gadgets they don’t understand are Toff E-puddings.
   Those wot pontificate at length about computers, especially those avant garde types who shout from the rooftops about what the technology of the future is etc are I-screamers.
Gooseberries (as in gooseberry fool) are those that have cheap tacky versions of Blackberries and think they are the real thing. By extension, anyone who has an MP3 player not an i-pod)
A chocolate is someone who lives on his phone but has never progressed past texting and phone games and thinks technology stops there. Its also someone who is obsessed with updating to the latest model. (chocolate orange – keep up)
The also-rans, wedded to Windows, are just Cakes. (PC’s-a-cake if you really want to know!!)
Noisy anti-apple Windows champions, on the other hand, are ‘Eckles (cakes)
So I ‘spose you are a blackberry and apple crumbly with a dollop of i-scream who hangs around with a past-the-sell-by-date apple tart and hates cakes.