Courses available
Community Capacity Building
- Social Auditing
- Planning and carrying out a Community Audit
- Community Advocacy
- Setting up a Community Group
- Effective Meetings (several modules – Chairing, Minute taking, Participating in etc…)
- Action Planning for Community Groups
- Working in Partnership
- Working with Groups
- Working with the Media
- Applying for Grant Aid
- Evaluating Community Projects and Social Enterprises
- Equal Opportunities and Diversity
- Mentoring
- Tools for community capacity building
Soft Skills Training
- Performance Appraisal
- Logical Framework Analysis
- Customer Care
- Leadership & Management
- Delegation
- Teambuilding
- Time Management
- Evaluation Skills
- Quality Systems
- Benchmarking
- Evaluation skills
Counselling Skills
- Introduction to Counselling (accredited programme)
- Stage II (WJEC) Counselling
- Transactional Analysis
- T.A for Managers
- Introduction to Gestalt Counselling
Teaching and Learning Skills
- Training the trainers
- Evaluating teaching and learning
- Reflection and self evaluation
- Part –time teachers (accredited course)
- Facilitating Groups
- Teaching and Learning Methods (several modules)
- Coaching and Mentoring
- Facilitating Action Learning Sets
Technology Enhanced Learning
- Training trainers in Technology Enhanced Learning
- Developing and implementing e-Portfolios
- Training teachers and trainers for the use of e-Portfolios
- Podcasting
- Web 2.0 and learning
- Personal Learning Environments
This is major.
I will make sure to spread the word about it.
Looks great!