More on hairdressing – a question?
We have a tracking plug in giving us basic stats about who is reading this blog. I’ve never worried too much about how many read it – after all it is my personal space – but I am more interested in the community apsects of trying to build the Pontydysgu web site.
In the last few weeks the numbers of unique visitors and the number of page hits have risen quite dramatically. All very gratifying – people like what we are doing. Maybe – I am getting suspicious.
The stats package tells us which are the most popular stories. As you would expect there are usually the latest posts, things like PLEs feature highly and then there is a very long tail. But for the past three weeks one post above all has dominated the lists. It is called “Hairdressing and Serious Games“. It is an OK post. I wrote it at a conference. It was more for me an excercise to improve my ‘live’ blogging than anything else. It links to a page which allows no access to the game it refers to. So, what is going on? Is the edublogospere being invaded by wanabe hairdressers? Are there hairdressing harvesting robots crawling the web? Or what? Anyone have any ideas? Or any ideas how I can solve this mystery of the hairdressing hits? Or should I just go to the hairdressing companies for advertising?
Funny – haven’t been to a hairdressers for years :).
I see the combined influence of the following factors:
The target audience for “hairdressing” and “games” do not overlap with your blog’s usual audience (may be just a tiny overlapping with “games”), and the “games” audience must be huge.
Plus the title really sounds very creative, it’s hard to resist not to click on it, no matter what your interests may be.
Perhaps it is because I have been pursuing the right to use the link and have been emailing to and fro with L’Oréal about it. In the end I got permission to use it but it was a long process.