Open Leadership
I like the open leadership map white paper released by the Mozilla Foundation. Mozilla say:
Open Leadership is the “how” of our work. It’s how we accomplish our work in communities, organizations, and projects. open leadership encompases the processes and resources we use to support Internet health for everyone’s benefit.
Open leaders “work open.” They work collaboratively, sharing the ownership of ideas, resources, and outcomes with contributors, while building powerful, diverse communities to support and direct projects and organizations. They also set the conditions for others to do the same, ensuring accountability, equity, and transparency in a project and its community.
Unlike the now familiar competency frameworks Mozilla poses their map as a process, based on design, build and empowerment.
This Open Leadership Map suggests areas of focus you can concentrate on during your open leadership journey to achieve these goals. To use the map, consider your objective(s) and look at the principles, actions, and embedded skills that might best help you reach your goals.
Mozilla is presently is asking for peoples’ opinions and ideas about the map.