A mile of ideas….let’s go for it!
Inspired by Tom Barrett’s presentations based on one idea per slide, I just asked Graham how big a slide was. After a pitying look and a very sniffy technical response, he helpfully put up a powerpoint on his screen and we measured how wide it was with a wooden ruler. It was about 30cm. Then I went for full screen mode and stretched it to .67 metres, which is therefore the length of an idea.
Divide that into a kilometre and it comes to about 1500 (give or take a few slides that sneakily have two ideas and take away the title slides and allowing a factor for lap top size screens). Then I counted the number of ideas already published on Chalkface, including Tom’s, and found 108. That’s 72 metres of idea already – not bad, and loads to come!
Now I want an electronic thermometer thingy – like they used to have to measure the donations towards replacing the lead on the church roof – to see whether we can get a kilometre of ideas in the next year.
I admit there are some conceptual problems here because everyone knows that ideas are traditionally are measured by weight (as in ‘I’ve got tons of ideas’) or volume (as in ‘Here’s a handful of ideas’ ).
Anyway – that’s the target. A kilometre of ideas for teachers.
Bored of Pontydysgu : (
PS Graham has pointed out that tweeted ideas are smaller so if some maths teacher could work out how long 140 characters are….