Archive for the ‘Sounds of the Bazaar’ Category

Sounds of the Bazaar LIVE

April 25th, 2008 by Graham Attwell

The last in our one week series of live webcasts sponsored by the Jisc Emerge programme.

If you missed the Emerging Sounds of the Bazaar at the Benefits Realisation day of the Emerge Conference, here is your second chance. The one hour live webcast was recorded and is now available as an MP3 podcast.

You can listen in line or download the programme to your MP3 player of choice.

The programme features:

  • Steven Warbuton and Paul Bailey on the Emerge Bazaar
  • Jai Muhkerjee on the Moose project
  • The Sounds of the Bazaar competition
  • A live phone in on the future of Technology Enhanced Learning
  • Mike Wald on the MacFob project
  • George Roberts – the last poet in Oxford.

Music is from the Exotica album by Les Juanitos from the Jamendo Creative Commons supported web site –

Thanks to everyone who helped produce the programme and especially to the producer, Dirk Stieglitz.

Sounds of the Bazaar – the ups and downs of new technology

April 22nd, 2008 by Graham Attwell

The broadcasting fest of the weekend was a little stressful but lots of fun. And whilst podcasting is now pretty simple – and video is not a big problem – live radio is something else. Firstly presenting a live show is a completely different experience to podcasting. There is no chance to remix – it is going out live. You have to think on your feet. And it has a buzz to it which isn’t there in the podcast.

The tech mix is still a little tricky. Saturday went pretty well. A few glitches but on the whole not a bad programme. Sunday was a disaster. Twenty minutes before we were due to broadcast something went wrong with our settings. I have a few ideas but am still not quite sure what it was. We reset our machine to overcome problems with the skype feed. And in so doing we totally messed up the feeds. Something was looping in one of the two machines we use to broadcast the programme. The result – dreadful sound quality. And whilst Pekka and John gallantly talked on through an near impossible echo, Dirk and me scrambled round trying to work out where the fault lay. Sadly it was to no avail. We ended the show disconecting the Mac Pro from he feed and with me taking into a Powerbook in built Microphone. After the show we tore apart the whole system and worked out a new set up. And yesterday it all worked.

Thanks to everyone for their feedback. And thanks to all our guests. You can listen to the recording of the show here. I need to add a lot of links. No time now. However do check out the live Earthcast 24 horu show which is presently underway. Matt Montagne explains what it is all about in the first guest spot in this edition of Sounds of the Bazaar. You can access the Earthday web cast on And check out Cristina’s blog on her work in the project.
Many thanks are also due to Dirk Stieglitz who has bravely struggled with the technology. We are working on a how-to publication for those wanting to learn more about live webcasting.

Todays broadcast

April 20th, 2008 by Graham Attwell

Don’t forget todays LIVE edition of the Sounds of the Bazaar show. We will be broadcasting at 2000 Central European Summer Time, 1900 UK summer time. For other time zones just check the tiny urls in the news item below. Todays show features interviews with John Pallister form Wolsingham School on e-Portfolios and with Annika Matilda Bergstroem from Sweden. Our special guest is Matt Montgane who is going to be telling us about the forthcoming 24 hour Earthcast.
And for todays show we will also have a chatroom running in parallel. Just click on this link to enter the chat.
Don’t forget – you can listen to the programme by clicking here. This should open as a stream in your default MP3 player.
And if you missed yesterdays broadcast, an archive version is now on line..

Emergng Sounds of the Bazaar LIVE – the archive

April 19th, 2008 by Graham Attwell

Well it worked! I was pretty nervous about the first LIVE broadcast of Sounds of the Bazaar. And for the first two minutes I talked too fast until Dirk, the producer held up a sheet of paper saying ‘slow down’. But it all went pretty well. Many thanks to Jan Lai who talked to us form a beach in Italy over a skype phone and also to Sigi Jakob from Germany who didn’t complain too much when I said she was from Austria!

The software tells us we had about 50 listeners from around the world. If you missed the programme – or enjoyed it so much you want to hear it again – here is a recording.

And don’t forget tomorrows broadcast at 2000 hours with John Pallister and Annika Matilda Bergstroem. And we will also have Pekka Kamareinen as a studio guest and hope to be talking to Matt Montagne about the forthcoming Earthcast. Just put the following link in your browser and it should strat streaming through your default MP3 application:

Cristina is trying to set up a chat board to accompany the show. More details tomorrow.

Sounds of the Bazaar (edition 15)

November 7th, 2007 by Graham Attwell

Another great edition of Sounds of the Bazaar – brought to you in conjunction with online-Educa Berlin.

First up is my introduction to the show, where I tell you about the fabulous up coming Bazaar conference.

This is followed by Graham Attwell’s periodic rant. This months rant is about the tyranny of assessment and I look at alternatives based on Assessment for learning as opposed to the assessment of learning. If you enjoy this and would like to hear more you can watch my video on E-learning 2.0 and Quality.

Our interview is with Jay Cross who talks about informal learning. Jay’s web site describes him as a “champion of informal learning, web 2.0, and systems thinking. He puts breakthrough business results ahead of business as usual. His calling is to change the world by helping people improve their performance on the job and satisfaction in life.” In the interview he talks about what he means by informal learning, the difference between training and learning, what organisations can do to promote informal learning and how education systems might change in the future.

Ulf Daniel Ehlers tells us about his idea for Science without Borders. Ulf is an Assistant Professor of Business Information Systems, at the University of Duisberg-Essen in Germany. He is Coordinator of the European Foundation for Quality in e-Learning and coordinator of the European Quality Observatory.

One of his main research interests is education for sustainable development and in this interview he talks about how we can facilitate researchers from different countries working together

Blog site features Ismael Pena Lopez’s brilliant ICTlogy blog. Talking about his blog he says:

  • this site serves my purposes of keeping all my knowledge under control
  • having all content open, it helps interesting people coming by
  • having all content open makes me findable not by myself, by thanks to the content gathered around me
  • interesting people leave their tracks behind them, tracks I can explore and find them, their institutions, their resources
  • the more you know, and share it, the more these issues repeat along time… and the more you can reach new people to learn more and more.

Claire Belisle talks about her research on information and digital media. Claire Bélisle est ingénieure de recherche CNRS en sciences humaines et sociales. Elle a un doctorat en psychologie cognitive, et un diplôme en formation en ligne. Ces centres d’intérêt en recherche sont la navigation et les méta-compétences des formateurs, enseignants et chercheurs dans l’intégration des technologies de l’information et de la communication en éducation et en recherche. Elle pilote actuellement des travaux sur le livre électronique et sur les corpus numériques, en se focalisant sur la navigation dans les hypermédias, le travail collaboratif et la lecture numérique.

But don’t worry if your French isn’t too good – the interview is in English!

Finally I talk us out of this issue. Phew – that is a lot. I know the full edition is long. But the music is just brilliant. As ever many thanks to Dirk Stieglitz who produced this issue.

Sounds of the Bazaar podcast

November 19th, 2006 by Graham Attwell

Here is the November 2006 edition of Sounds of the Bazaar.

I have spent quite a lot of time trying to improve the quality – better editing and better leads in and out of items. I hope you like it – I think this is the best issue so far.

I’m going to aim at a monthly schedule for the next few months and work on the quality – I want Sounds of the Bazaar to be the leading podcast in education.

Anyway in this months issue –

Graham Attwell (that’s me) in the first of a three part special series on Personal Learning Environments. In this part – entitled ‘The Industrial Revolution and teh Challenge to Education I argue that education systems and institutions are in danger fo becoming irrelevant through ignoring the changing ways in which young people are using technology for communication and knowledge sharing. Addtionally, the present curriculum organisation is looking incraesingly outdated. PLEs offer a new way to organise education but it will require profound reforms both to systems and institutions.

The Sounds of the Bazaar interview is with Ellen and Lydia – two young school students from the UK. They are pretty disappointed with the use of technology in school. They see the main factor in the digital divide as to whether or not kids have parents who can help them with computers.

Web Site of the Week – features the newly launched ELGG Spaces site which is offering free access to the ELGG social software for groups of up to 50 users.

December sees the third of the annual EduBlog awards. I talk to Josie Fraser about the awards and how you can participate

Listen to the whole programme [33:45m]:

Introduction to this months programme [1:58m]:

Graham Attwell on ‘The Industrial Revolution and the Challenge to Education‘ [8:08m]:

Interview with Ellen and Lydia – two UK based school students [7:14m]:

Web Site of the Week – ELGG Spaces [3:16m]:

Josie Fraser on this years Edu-Blog Awards [8:46m]:

End chat from this months programme [1:26m]: |

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    Cyborg patented?

    Forbes reports that Microsoft has obtained a patent for a “conversational chatbot of a specific person” created from images, recordings, participation in social networks, emails, letters, etc., coupled with the possible generation of a 2D or 3D model of the person.

    Racial bias in algorithms

    From the UK Open Data Institute’s Week in Data newsletter

    This week, Twitter apologised for racial bias within its image-cropping algorithm. The feature is designed to automatically crop images to highlight focal points – including faces. But, Twitter users discovered that, in practice, white faces were focused on, and black faces were cropped out. And, Twitter isn’t the only platform struggling with its algorithm – YouTube has also announced plans to bring back higher levels of human moderation for removing content, after its AI-centred approach resulted in over-censorship, with videos being removed at far higher rates than with human moderators.

    Gap between rich and poor university students widest for 12 years

    Via The Canary.

    The gap between poor students and their more affluent peers attending university has widened to its largest point for 12 years, according to data published by the Department for Education (DfE).

    Better-off pupils are significantly more likely to go to university than their more disadvantaged peers. And the gap between the two groups – 18.8 percentage points – is the widest it’s been since 2006/07.

    The latest statistics show that 26.3% of pupils eligible for FSMs went on to university in 2018/19, compared with 45.1% of those who did not receive free meals. Only 12.7% of white British males who were eligible for FSMs went to university by the age of 19. The progression rate has fallen slightly for the first time since 2011/12, according to the DfE analysis.

    Quality Training

    From Raconteur. A recent report by global learning consultancy Kineo examined the learning intentions of 8,000 employees across 13 different industries. It found a huge gap between the quality of training offered and the needs of employees. Of those surveyed, 85 per cent said they , with only 16 per cent of employees finding the learning programmes offered by their employers effective.

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