Archive for the ‘Wales Wide Web’ Category

Learning in practice – a social perspective

April 3rd, 2009 by Graham Attwell

I attended a workshop on ‘Pedagogical innovations in new ICT-facilitated learning communities’ organised by the IPTS in Seville earlier this week. And very interesting it was too.

Sadly, though, the IPTS had nots et up a dynamic site for the workshop. No problem. We qyuickly agreed on #ipts as the hash tag for the five or six of us addicted to Twitter.

And Grainne Conole hacked together a site on the UK Open University’s alpha Cloudworks software in about ten minutes (I am very impressed with Cloudworks – if you haven’t already, give it a look).

There were extremely interesting presentations by Kirsti Ala-Mutka and Etienne Wenger. I am not great at taking notes at meetings (and was busy twittering anyway). But Grainne put together this excellent summary of Etienne’s presnetation, taken from the Cloudworks site.

Learning in practice – a social perspective, Wenger’s Community of Practice (CoP) theory. Four aspects

  1. Community – Where do we belong?
  2. Identity – Who are we becoming?
  3. Meaning – What is our experience?
  4. Practice – What are we doing?

Who are our students and how do they know who they are and how they are placed in society?

Original communities of practice theory was developed before the emergence of the web

Meaning and meanfulness are a key component of the theory BUT its about developing meaning making in the real world, situated nature of learning is crucial

There is a real issue in terms of educational systems validating informal learning – there is a real tension between vertical vs. horizontal learning. This tension is not resolvable – we need to live with it and understand the paradoxes and contradictions.

Complex inter-relationship between: space, time, locality, practice, boundary crossings between different practices. For example trainee doctor in the hospital in one practice, translation of this experience into ‘evidence for assessment purposes’ needs to then be ‘validated’ by auditors in another community of practice.

One of the trends in the perfect storm of web 2.0, communities in the 21st century which emerged around the time that CoP was developed was that organisations in the nineties were struggling with what it means to be a knowledge organisation? Some looked to CoP theory as a means of trying to address this.

At this time knowledge management was 10% technology 90% people, but much of the discourse was on the technologies but it was harder to understand the human dimensions and what this meant in terms of connections, collective understanding, etc.

Core and boundary learning
What are the implications of a theory like this for professional educational?

Think of a body of knowledge as a curriculum whereas in reality it is a system of inter-connected practices, have a set of different practices which are producing the body of knowledge which define what ‘teaching’, ‘nursing’, ‘mathematics’ is.

Therefore ideally the education for a nurse or teacher would be to find your place in that landscape of practices, to find your identity. If we think along these lines we will need to rethink our educational practice – we put too much emphasis on the mechanics of learning rather than on the development of meaning making.

A complex landscape – modes of identification
Process of identity formation

  1. Imagination – how do we imagine ourselves? Imagination as an image of the world such as it makes sense of who I am
  2. Engagement –
  3. Alignment – way you express your belonging to the community, what you do and don’t do as part of belonging to a community
  4. How does learning exist as an experience of being in the world?

First storm was organisations (both businesses and governments) trying to create horizontal communities so that they can learn from each other etc

Second storm – emergence of the web and its potential impact, but this was very much aligned with the CoP practices – a Perfect storm – peer to peer interactions, development of practices etc. The web has changed the landscape for understanding community and identity

Trends shaping technology and community – a learning agenda

  • Fabric of connectivity – always on, virtual presence
  • Modes of engagement – generalised self-expression, mass collaboration, creative re-appropriation
  • Active medium – social computing, semantic web,, digital footprint
  • Reconfigured geographies – homesteading of the web, individualisation of orientation
  • Modulating polarities – togetherness and separation, interacting and publishing, individual and group
  • Dealing with multiplicity – competing services, multi-membership, thin connections
  • New communities – multi-space, multi-scale, dynamic boundaries, social learning spaces

Emerge – the video

April 3rd, 2009 by Graham Attwell

In this video Jisc Emerge Project co-ordinator, George Roberts, explains the ideas behind the Emerge project and discusses how to facilitate online communities of practice.

As a member of the project team I have greatly enjoyed being involved with Emerge. However,there is an English language saying: “All good things come to an end.” And sadly the JISC Emerge project has come to the end of its funding period.

In the abstract of a forthcoming publication we explain “The Emerge project aimed to support the development of a sustainable community of practice (CoP) in the area of emerging technologies for education. This comprised individuals, groups and funded projects whose focus was around the use of social tools and services for enhancing learning and teaching. The Emerge project team developed a range of existing social software tools and practices to facilitate the needs of the emerging CoP. Seven critical phases of activity were identified during the life-cycle of the Emerge project and the CoP that grew around the JISC Users and Innovation programme. Each of these phases, from initial engagement to building for sustainability, required different support mechanisms and approaches. In response, the Emerge team adopted an agile approach to community support – adapting the tools, services and activities that were offered over time to meet emerging community needs. Our conclusions suggest that it is possible to identify a range of benefits and likely outcomes to deploying social networking and social media tools to scaffold community emergence. However, the form and patterns of interaction that develop across a community over time cannot be approached prescriptively. There is a need to be sensitive to the dynamic and changing needs of the community and its’ processes and meet the changing demands for meaningful social and collaborative spaces. This impacts on the type and form of the tools and services that need to be made available to the community. Deploying an iterative and agile model to scaffold the community is a key factor to active participation by its membership and the successful development of community identities. In this way it is possible to define and support a community centre which anchors distributed practice in a manageable and accessible way.”

For now, the Emerge project web site has been suspended, although public posts may still be searched and accessed. A new Emerge Reports site also provides access to the products of the project. As George Roberts says in an email to Emerge site members “One key message from our analysis is that a community has many modes of participation. It would be a mistake to assume that the presence of a website indicates either the presence or absence of a community. There is a network of people who have been very active in creating the Users and Innovation Programme and the Emerge community. This network of people persists. Discussions are ongoing concerning how this network might make its presence visible on the Internet or if a site similar to this one might be required.”

My personal view is that there is a space for such a network or community presence, based on the exchange of practice in Technology Enhanced Learning. How such a presence can be facilitated, governed and resourced is another issue.

In the meantime, my thanks to George and all the other members of the team what have made working on the Emerge project so interesting and enjoyable.

Also many thanks to Dirk for a magic editing job on this video.

Help – in Europeanese

April 2nd, 2009 by Graham Attwell

It has been a hectic two weeks. I have lots of updates for this site in progress. One thing I have been working on is bids for the EU Lifelong Learning programme. And for this round of funding calls they issued an electronic form programmed for the Adobe 9 reader. Full marks for trying. But of course there were bugs. Quite a few. A friend of mine contacted the help line over one of the bugs he was encountering. And this in the wonderful reply he received.

“Where there is only 1 partner recorded for the affected workpackage (Part F.3) you will need to add a second partner row, enter the desired lead partner number in that second row and then delete the first row (the original lead partner). You should then save the form, close and re-open it. This will reinstate the Lead partner header that was lost when you deleted the original lead partner.

If you already have more than 1 partner recorded in the affected workpackage (part F.3), then add the partner you want to be the lead partner as a new row (if they’ve not already been added * ).
Then delete the partners above the new row STARTING WITH the original lead partner.
Once you have deleted these partners you will be left with your new lead partner at the top of the list.
Save, close and re-open the form to reinstate the header.
Re-enter the deleted partners as required.

(* If the new lead partner is already in the list then you just need to delete the partners above it, but still starting with the original lead partner. And you will still need to save, close and re-open the form to re-instate the header.)”

Got it now!

Communities of Practice and Learning

March 31st, 2009 by Graham Attwell

Great discussions on learning and communities at a workshop hosted by IPTS in Seville. I particularly enjoyed the contribution by Ettiene Wenger this morning (see Wordle of twitterstream above).  I have been twittering the event and will write a longer post when i have 20 minutes to spare. In the meantime Grainne Conole has set up an excellent Cloudworks site for the event and you can also follow the twitter traffic by searching on the #ipts09 tag.

The Culture of Facebook

March 27th, 2009 by Graham Attwell


“But the more interesting question is whether this will mean any change in the culture of Facebook – always assuming that it has any discernible culture.”

An interesting question raised in an otherwise somewhat flip article in the Guardian, commenting on the news that most Facebook users are over 25 and the fastest growing demographic group on Facebook are woman over 55, according to new research from Inside Facebook. (The article is curious, the author appears unsure as to whether a newspaper of the Guardian’s perceived gravitas should report seriously on the demographic makeup of Facebook users).

One thing this research does confirm, once again, is the misleading nature of terms like the ‘Net Generation; and ‘Digital Natives’.

But does Facebook have a discernible culture? No, I would say, Facebook is merely a social networking platform. But of course communities if users develop culture. And our use of adoption and use of tools and media help shape our cultures. Social networks are hardly new. it is just that digital platforms and tools allow the development of distributed networks – over space and time – and allow the sharing and of artefacts  developed as part of that culture. witness the way (yes I know I keep going on about it) allows us to develop networks and communities around music.

According to Wenger (1998), a community of practice defines itself along three dimensions:

  • What it is about – its joint enterprise as understood and continually renegotiated by its members.
  • How it functions – mutual engagement that bind members together into a social entity.
  • What capability it has produced – the shared repertoire of communal resources (routines, sensibilities, artefacts, vocabulary, styles, etc.) that members have developed over time. (see, also Wenger 1999: 73-84).

Most communities on Facebook or are not communities of practice as defined by Wenger. They might better be defined as communities of interest. But they do show features of the different dimensions identified by Wenger especially in terms of capability and that capability is in turn mediated by tools in the form of affordances. And yes, of course communities have cultures!


Wenger, E. (1998) ‘Communities of Practice. Learning as a social system’, Systems Thinker, Accessed March 27, 2009.

Wenger E 1999, Communities of Practice. Learning, meaning and identity, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press

What can we learn from

March 25th, 2009 by Graham Attwell


This is my favourite site of this year. In fact I could see me wasting so much time on that i have limited my access to after seven in the evening (may have to fit kid proof software to reinforce my will).

For the initiated what is It is a site which allows you to search for music, play music and share it through a 150 character message. Integration with twitter means what you are playing is automatically posted to your twitter friends (although there is an easy override if you feel embarrassed about your musical tastes. You can follow people and their music appears on your home page. And friends can send you ‘props’ as an acknowledgement of a track they like, which you can in turn pass on to others. That’s about it.

Why does it work so well? Partly because it features an attractive interface, it works every time and it is a very short learning curve. But above all because it enables something we all like to do – to play music and share it with our friends. And it makes that just a little bit easier. I have spent many happy evenings sharing utube and tracks over skype. But this is just so much better. And why am i going on about it? Not i assure you because i am looking for more listeners – although if you want to check out my cool grooves my user name is GrahamAttwell.

Over the past few weeks i have been restling with use cases and requirements for a Personal Learning and Maturing Environment (and in the enxt two days I will try to tell you want differentiates a PLME form a PLE). But it seems to me that shows the way forward in helping people do something they want to do in a social environemnt. When we can design sowfatre for learning as good as this we will be making progress.

NB many thanks to CosmoCat and MariaPerif for encouraging my new career as a DJ!

Stop commodification – it is time to nationalise the universities

March 22nd, 2009 by Graham Attwell

“The vice-chancellor of London Metropolitan University, Brian Roper, resigned today in the wake of accounting mistakes which left the university £56m in the red.

Roper will remain at the university until December but has left his role as vice-chancellor with immediate effect, the university said.” Guardian, 19 March, 2009.

According to the Guardian, “the university is facing up to 550 job cuts among its 2,300-strong staff, following the revelation that it had been overpaid for students who failed to complete courses. It is understood to be taking a £15m funding cut this year and is in negotiations with the government’s university funding agency about how it will pay back a further £38m.”

Why am I writing a post on something so unexceptional  as a University Vice Chancellor resigning? After all, it happens with increasing frequency.

The reason is I think it exemplifies what has gone wrong with our universities (at least in the UK). Education, as I have written before in an article called “e-Learning and the social shaping of technology” in a  German language book entitled “Wissensgesellschaft”. Mythos, Ideologie oder Realität”, has become commodified. I don’t think the original English language text has ever been published so here is an extract and the full English and German versions are dnloadable at the bottom of this post.

“Perhaps the most notable discourse which has shaped the development of e-learning is that of privatisation. Richard Hatcher (2000) (cited in Ball, 2004) distinguishes between endogenous and exogenous privatisation. the latter refers to the bringing in in various ways, of private providers to public services. The former refers to the re-working of existing public sector delivery into forms which mimic the private and have similar consequences in terms of practices, values and identities. This is what Glenn Riwowski refers to as the process of “capitalism making public schools / universities into value / commodity providing enterprises…institutionally rearranged on a model of capitalist development”. Privatisation requires the  commodification of education: “social relations conducted as and in the form of relations between commodities and things” (Bottomore, Harris et al, 1983). “Commodification encompasses both an attention to the naturalisation of changes which are taking place in the everyday life of our production and consumption activities and more general processes of capitalism and its inherent crises and instabilities which underpin the search for new markets, new products and thus new sources of profits” (Ball, 2004).
Commodification also embraces the displacement of use values by exchange values and describes how consumer culture becomes embedded in daily lives through an array of subtle process (Gottdiener, 2000).
There processes can be seen as taking a number of different forms in education. One is the replacement of exchange value for use value in academic labour (Wilmott, 1995). More fundamental possibly is the repositioning of learners or students as customers or consumers of education. Education becomes a service to be consumed, based on standardised curriculum products which can be exchanged through a market mechanism and delivered by private sector providers. In order to provide a transparent market, quality has to be measured and quantified through comparable indices (piloted by the UK through Standard Assessment Tests and taken to its ultimate limit in the international Pisa study). Knowledge must be available as objects and consumption acknowledged through exchangeable credit based on outcomes.
The development and implementation of e-learning, from the 1970’s onwards corresponded with the emergence of life long learning as a major theme on educational policy discourse. The shortening of the product life-cycle, the growing rate of technological change and implementation and increasing global competition required the extension of learning throughout the working life (Attwell and Heidegger, 2001). Computer based learning offered the promise of the cheap provision of mass continuing training. Furthermore, distance learning could be extended to allow the expansion of university education without commensurate investment in faculty and infrastructure.
However this limited conception of lifelong learning was accompanied by three further policy prerogatives. First was that learning should be linked to the needs of the employment market, rather than to any broader conception of educational goals.  Second was the idea of employability: that it was the responsibility of the learner (or consumer) to maintain and update their personal skills and knowledge to meet market demand (in the form of employment). The third and linked policy was that the extension of training would be controlled and provided by the market, with training ‘on demand’ and delivered by the private sector. Thus e-learning technologies would be developed by the Information Technology sector (despite their frequent lack of educational experience and expertise) and regulated by demand. This did not obviate the need for market intervention which took different forms in different countries. In some cases it took the form of measures to stimulate demand, as in the case of the UK government’s ill judged attempt to provide individual training vouchers or in other cases attempt to regulate supply as in Greece through the regulation of training providers.
Of course there are multiple discourses in education and contradictory developments and trends in the introduction of e-learning. But as Basil Bernstein, referring to public general education policy, has pointed out “market relevance is becoming the key orienting criterion for the selection of discourse, their relation to each other, their forms and their research. This movement has profound implication from the primary school to the university” (Bernstein, 1996). The implication was far stronger for e-learning. In this regard it is interesting to note that the implementation of e-learning tends to be most advanced in those countries following an Anglo Saxon model where moves towards privatisation and commodification are also most developed and most accepted (for discussion of different models see Wickham ,2005).
Underpinning education policy was and attempt to respond to changing economies and society. E-learning represented the opportunity for the expansion of capitalism into new markets. The commodification and privatisation of learning and the emergence of lifelong learning represented a potentially huge market. At the same time e-learning was not subject to the same localised constraints of traditional education and training delivery (or at least was not seen to be), thus providing the promise of considerable economies of scale. Thus educational technologies could be co-opted to the globalisation of economies and social exchange and production. Lifelong learning could be utilised in the liberalisation of labour markets, with just-in-time computer based learning allowing the development of a flexible and skilled labour force to meet short term employment needs.
It is no coincidence that e-learning has made most impact in multi-national companies and in large enterprises. This will be explored further later in this paper. But one important point is that it was possible to portray e-learning as outside the ‘normal’ education system. Indeed the very process of naming e-learning as such (whoever heard of over-head projector based learning) and thus distinguishing between learning using computer based technologies and any other technology, was important in overcoming opposition to the privatisation of the sector. Where public sector institutions were to provide e-learning this should be predominantly as a separate ‘project’ to their normal education and training provision, essentially offering a  service in competition to existing market providers. And in return, private e-learning providers should be allowed to compete with public education providers though the expansion of corporate universities.
Although the strength and penetration of these discourses varies in different countries, or different capitalisms, any reader familiar with European education projects will recognise most of these terms. So to will those working in the field of education technology. Most liberal educationalists, critical of these deep seated changes in education, have tended toward blaming e-learning as a causal factor or at best noted that educational technology has been used to advance such unwelcome erosion of education as a public good. Indeed, the evidence is plentiful.
However it can also be said that the development of e-learning systems and applications has largely been constricted and shaped by the dominant discourses. In particular e-learning systems have been shaped by managerialism, standardisation and commercialisation, in turn driven by the  move towards privatisation and commodification and by the drive to transform the social process of teaching and learning into a set of standardised and measured products (Hall, 2005).
Managerialism represents the changing role of the education system, and of workers within the system, not to imbue and distil learning but to manage the education process. Success is based on efficiency and numbers, in achievement of measured and reported outcomes. Educational technology could be co-opted to improve the efficiency of the education process. Instead of focusing on technology for learning, major investment has been in the development of Learning Management Systems (LMS), designed to handle the registration of students, the delivery of learning materials, testing and reporting. Learning Management Systems (or Virtual Learning Environments) are designed as a walled area outside the wider environment of the web, an institutionally controlled space into which students must enter if they are to be allowed to learn. Despite the recent spread of Open Source LMS, the development and maintenance of these monolithic systems is largely controlled by the private sector e-learning technology industry with a recent spate of mergers leaving control in the hands of a limited number of major multinational companies.
Commodification requires the development of a mass of standardised products which in e-learning terms have taken the form of Learning Objects. Learning objects are small chunks of learning materials, conforming to a standard technical specification, which can then be sequenced for delivery through an LMS to particular target groups. It is perhaps unsurprising the the driving force behind the SCORM technical specification for Learning Objects was the US Ministry of Defence (who, incidentally, provide a vast subsidy to the private e-learning industry).
Where once teachers were responsible for designing learning materials, now institutions are encouraged to buy learning materials from private providers, form the e-learning industry and from educational publishers. In the UK, newspaper advertisements encourage parents to pressurise their children’s schools to buy learning materials from one or another company. Digital rights management is designed to ensure only those institutions who are so licensed are able to use the learning materials.
Learning is supposed to take place not through engagement with the wider environment and through social processes but through interaction with the sequenced learning objects albeit with the help of an on-line mentor and through participation in a closed forum.
Assessment takes place through interaction with a bank of machine readable questions and answers. One of the driving forces behind the agreement and adoption of the QTI standard for computer based assessment was to create a market in question banks.
Even the development of individual learning portfolios has been inhibited by the desire to control and commodify learning. Rather than learners being encouraged to develop an account of all their learning experiences, many systems constrain the recording and reflection on learning to the learning outcomes prescribed by the curriculum (Attwell, 2005) and by the desire to present the results of the portfolio in a standard way.”

Ok, this was written in 2005 and there have been many advances since based on the use of social software for learning. But the basic premise remains the same. Education is something to be bought and sold. the value of a university education is judged in terms of value added earnings potential. Research is judged in terms of numbers of publications. departments are judged by the money they bring in. education. ‘Leaders’ are bought in form industry and commerce – which is seen as a model to emulate.

And now as the world financial system crashes then so do univerity finances. Not a surprise and it is quite right that those who pushed such policies, usually against the wishes of staff in the institutions, take the can. But getting rid of the leaders is only a symbolic act. We need to reassess the values we place on education and the role that universities play as knowledge institutions within society.  And just as banks should be nationalised, not merely be bailed out under government ownership, so to should universities be brought back under democratic, community scrutiny and control.

You can download full copies of the paper here:

commodenfin (English language)

beitrag-graham-atwe126dc47 (German langauge)

More on those pesky digital natives

March 17th, 2009 by Graham Attwell

Last nights rant against the idea of digital natives seems to have caused a bit of a stir.
My frustration with the term is not just because it is bad research. It is because we need models and concepts for understanding the profound changes emanating for the ways in which we are using technologies for communicating, sharing and learning. I work both as a part time researcher and a part time developer / implementer (and part time administrator and part time office cleaner! Research is important for us in helping design applications to support learning and working. Of course ideally we would do it ourselves but time and work pressure precludes the in-depth studies I would like to undertake (to say nothing of shortage of funding). So research findings and models are important in informing design and development. And Prensky’s model of the digital native is just wrong. It leads us down a blind alley and diverts us away from an understanding of the real world.

Anyway the rant followedthe joint Jisc Emerge project / Educamp open online seminar on Enterprise 2.0. If you missed the seminar you can watch the recording on the Jisc Elluminate site.

And here is a few of the many tweets I received in answer to my 140 character version of the post – Lets stop taking about digital natives – it is such a useless term –

jamesclay @GrahamAttwell and let’s stop talking about the Google Generation while we’re at it.

jurijmlotman @GrahamAttwell  you are right, but maybe the term is useful for tactical reasons #changemanagement

kevhickeyuk @GrahamAttwell Have you read Prenskys paper where even he is moving away from these terms?

darkone @GrahamAttwell Agreed! After careful consideration, we have concluded the ‘digital natives, beloved of the mee-ja, are merely early-adopters

dianadell @josiefraser @GrahamAttwell What term should we use to replace “digital natives” … do we need a label at all? Millennial learners

jpallis001 @GrahamAttwell    learners, the environment and experiences are different, their expectations are different  but

cspannagel @GrahamAttwell I fully agree with you. This would change the focus from “generation” to “competence”

josiefraser @GrahamAttwell hope you can make the digital literacy discussion on the 27th

hwilliamson @GrahamAttwell the isthmus project agrees, see

tmartinowen @GrahamAttwell  I think Vygotsky and Leont’ev have a fairly good framework on how mediation changes our being in the world

tmartinowen @GrahamAttwell  Activity Theory

CosmoCat RT @GrahamAttwell Change(s in) how we think, how we learn. also situated in diversity rather than dichotomy

Can we please stop taking about Digital Natives

March 16th, 2009 by Graham Attwell

Just finished our latest Jisc Evolve / Educamp online seminar. This one was on the topic of Enterprise 2.0 and featured presentations by Pat Parslow and Willms Buhse. I thoroughly enjoyed Pat’s presentation which should be online tomorrow.
But Willms’ presentation and the subsequent discussion became bogged down over the issue of digital natives (which he defined as anyone born after 1980) although he later agreed that the term was possibly not too useful.
I would go further than that. The term was dreamed up with no research to support it but became popular in the media. OK – these things happen. But it is totally useless for trying to discuss any real development and use of new technologies.
Repeated research has shown that age is not the only or even the main determinate in patterns of uptake and use of technologies for learning and exchange of knowledge. My own modest research into the use of ICT for learning based on case studies in 106 enterprises in Europe suggested that older workers were more likely to use social software for developing and exchanging learning and knowledge. This, we hypothesised, was because they often had more autonomy in undertaking their work and in using learning in the workplace. If that is true, then work organisation would seem to be the most important factor in introducing social software in enterprises. Amd that has nothing to do with digital natives!

Enterprise 2.0 – open online seminar today

March 16th, 2009 by Graham Attwell

Today, Monday 16 March, sees the latest in our series of free, open online seminars jointly hosted by the Jisc Evolve project and The German EduCamp network. The seminar will take place on the Elluminate platform at 1800 UK time, 1900 CET.

The guest speakers include Willms Buhse and Pat Parslow. Isn’t that reason enough not to miss it!! 😉

The discussion will focuses on the following sub-topics:

  • How will communication and collaboration change when digital natives are employed in senior positions?
  • Changed knowledge management through chats, Twitter and so on?
  • How and to what extent will blogs, wikis and so on promote the productivity and creativity of employees?
  • Collaboration tools in the social web permit decentralized work. What is the workplace, what are the working places of the future?
  • Where is the limit? How far can the boundaries of classic corporate structure in the sense of Enterprise 2.0 be driven?
  • Search

    Social Media

    News Bites

    Cyborg patented?

    Forbes reports that Microsoft has obtained a patent for a “conversational chatbot of a specific person” created from images, recordings, participation in social networks, emails, letters, etc., coupled with the possible generation of a 2D or 3D model of the person.

    Racial bias in algorithms

    From the UK Open Data Institute’s Week in Data newsletter

    This week, Twitter apologised for racial bias within its image-cropping algorithm. The feature is designed to automatically crop images to highlight focal points – including faces. But, Twitter users discovered that, in practice, white faces were focused on, and black faces were cropped out. And, Twitter isn’t the only platform struggling with its algorithm – YouTube has also announced plans to bring back higher levels of human moderation for removing content, after its AI-centred approach resulted in over-censorship, with videos being removed at far higher rates than with human moderators.

    Gap between rich and poor university students widest for 12 years

    Via The Canary.

    The gap between poor students and their more affluent peers attending university has widened to its largest point for 12 years, according to data published by the Department for Education (DfE).

    Better-off pupils are significantly more likely to go to university than their more disadvantaged peers. And the gap between the two groups – 18.8 percentage points – is the widest it’s been since 2006/07.

    The latest statistics show that 26.3% of pupils eligible for FSMs went on to university in 2018/19, compared with 45.1% of those who did not receive free meals. Only 12.7% of white British males who were eligible for FSMs went to university by the age of 19. The progression rate has fallen slightly for the first time since 2011/12, according to the DfE analysis.

    Quality Training

    From Raconteur. A recent report by global learning consultancy Kineo examined the learning intentions of 8,000 employees across 13 different industries. It found a huge gap between the quality of training offered and the needs of employees. Of those surveyed, 85 per cent said they , with only 16 per cent of employees finding the learning programmes offered by their employers effective.

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