Sounds of the bazaar – going live in 30 minutes time!
Dear All,
We are in Berlin and preparing to go live in less then an hour.
For those who want to join us either face to face or online, here are some deatails.
Graham Attwell is broadcasting today (4Dec) a 40 minute show at 11:00 CET (check your local time here ) live from Online Educa Berlin. The show will feature a mix of interviews with speakers and live debates on emerging issues from the conference. The programme is streamed live and can be listened to in any MP3 application (link here ). A chat room will also be available here (no password required – just add your name, and hit log in, leaving th epassword field blank).
The show will also be subsequently available as a podcast (download will be available at ).
If you happen to be in Berlin, you can join the show live at the ICWE booth at stand B 54.
The shows are sponsored by the JISC Users and Innovation programme Emerge project.
To find out about all the Emerge activities at Online Educa go to
It’s been a really interesting opportunity, and we will be blogging more about it later.
Above all, it’s been a great networking opportunity! And like Mike Wesch said this morning: in the question ‘how can we create students that can create meaningful connections?’ is the answer. So, the way I see it, we, as educators, need to make those connections ourselves to be able to deeply understand what it takes and then be able to mentor others. And that’s exactly what we are doing here! 😉