Eduspaces – learning from experience
It has certainly been interesting reporting on the Eduspaces developments over the week whilst travelling around. this will be a short post – am waiting at Vienna airport for my plane to be called.
I am pleased to be able to say some good seems to be coming out of all this.
First, fair play as we say in Wales to TakingITGlobal for recognising the need to develop a partnership with the community. Luke Walker, Director of Education Programmes says:
“As part of our new role in hosting, maintaining and improving the Eduspaces community, we’d like to set up an advisory board, consisting of active members of the community, determining together where we go from here. We’re new to this (Eduspaces) though: we’ve run advisory processes within our own communities before, but we don’t know what kind of systems and processes work best for all of you. So two questions:
1) What kinds of online advisory processes have any of you been part of or led in the past; what has worked well; what do we need to do to make sure where getting feedback from all the different groups of constituents involved in Educspaces?
2) How can we determine who our advisors in an open and transparent way?”
A promising start.
And in the UK there are moves to set up a community association of Higher Education elgg users. In anyone wants more information email Josie Fraser.
Meanwhile Brian Kelly is pursuing his interest in the general issues regarding outsourcing, sustainability, business models, etc. (See interview with him in which he calls for a policy debate on the issues associated with provision of Web
2.0 services).
So we are all learning – lets hope we come stronger out of all this.