PLE Conference 2014 – Beyond formal: emergent practices for living, learning and working
The PLE conference in 2010 was only intended to be a one off. But here we are, busy organising the 2014 conference. Why has it been so successful_ Whilst trends and fads in educational technology come and go Personal Learning Environments haven’t gone away. They couldn’t. They were not just a trendy new bit of technology but an approach to both explaining how people are using technology for learning today and at the same time an approach to reforming and recasting pedagogic approaches to teaching and learning.
And the PLE conference is itself a flipped conference and has built a reputation as one of the best learning events on teh annual conference calendar.
The theme for PLE 2014 conference, announced today will be: “Beyond formal: emergent practices for living, learning and working”. And the European conference, usually held in the first two weeks of July, will be in Tallinn in Estonia. The southern hemisphere version of the conference, held for the last two years in Australia, will be at the UNITAR International University in Malaysia.
Hopefully the call for contributions will be released in early December. More details on this page when available.