Archive for the ‘PLE2010’ Category

Osobiste środowiska uczenia się

August 22nd, 2011 by Ilona Buchem

W lipcu tego roku, podczas konferencji PLE w Southampton, Graham Attwell, Ricardo Torres i ja zaprezentowalismy wyniki naszej analizy literatury dotyczącej osobistych środowisk uczenia się.

Publikacja naukowa pod tytułem “Understanding Personal Learning Environments: Literature review and synthesis through the Activity Theory lens” została umieszczone w Webscience Journal:

Oto pełen tytuł publikacji:

Buchem, Ilona and Attwell, Graham and Torres, Ricardo (2011) Understanding Personal Learning Environments: Literature review and synthesis through the Activity Theory lens. pp. 1-33. In: Proceedings of the The PLE Conference 2011, 10th – 12th July 2011, Southampton, UK.

Głównym pytaniem naszej pracy jest: “Czym charakteryzują się osobiste środowiska uczenia się? Jakie są ich główne cechy i w jaki sposób można je systematycznie opisać?”

Przegląd literatury jakiego dokonaliśmy oparty jest na teorii aktywności (Activity Theory). Do analizy ponad 100 publikacji odnoszących się do osobistych środowisk uczenia się posłużyliśmy się metodologią teorii ugruntowanej (Grounded Theory). Naszym celem było lepsze zrozumienie tego, czym są i jak funkcjonują osobiste środowiska uczenia się.

Oto streszczenie:

“This paper represents a scientific analysis of a broad range of publications surrounding the field of Personal Learning Environments (PLEs). Personal Learning Environments can be viewed as a concept related to the use of technology for learning focusing on the appropriation of tools and resources by the learner. Capturing the individual activity, or how the learner uses technology to support learning, lies at the heart of the PLE concept. The central research question guiding this review was: What are the characteristic, distinguishing features of Personal Learning Environments? This paper argues that PLEs can be viewed as complex activity systems and analysed using the Activity Theory framework to describe their key elements and the relationships between them. Activity Theory provides a framework of six interrelated components: subject, object, tools, rules, community and division of labour. In referencing over 100 publications, encompassing conference papers, reports, reviews, and blog articles, this paper takes an activity-theory perspective to deconstruct the way central aspects related to PLEs are addressed in different publications. The aim of this study is to create a better understanding of PLEs and to develop a knowledge base to inform further research and effective practice. The literature review presented in this paper takes a broader view on PLEs recognising that research in this field stems from different scientific communities and follows different perspectives.”

Naszą listę publikacji umieściliśmi w Wiki zatytułowanej PLEP – Personal Learning Environment Publications. W ten sposób chcemy stworzyć publiczny zbiór publikacji, który może być uzupełniany przez każdego zainteresowanego tym tematem.

Zachęcam wszystkich do składania propozycji na umieszczenie dalszych wartościowych publikacji na stronie w Wiki!

PLE2011 Conference

January 31st, 2011 by Graham Attwell

Last year Pontydysgu helped organise the first Perosnal Learning environment’s Conference, PLE2010, held in Barcelona. And, to our delight, it was a huge sucess, as much for teh open format and exchanget of ideas as the subject, I suspect.

And although, we had envisaged the conference being a one off, we have been encouraged by the feedback to organise a second conference this year. Our good friends Hugh Davis, Lisa Harris and Su White at the University of Southampton in the UK have kindly offered to host the conference. And here is the call for contributions. As last year, we particularly welcome interactive and participative formats for sessions. The conference web site can be accessed here.

Call for Papers: The PLE Conference 2011

Following the highly successful inaugural event in Barcelona (#PLE_BCN), the next PLE Conference will be held at the University of Southampton, UK (#PLE_SOU) from July 11th  to 13th 2011, and will have a lively social  programme as well as a highly interactive and innovative technical programme.

The Personal Learning Environment (PLE) Conference is intended to produce a space for researchers and practitioners to exchange ideas, experience and research around the development and implementation of PLEs – including the design of environments and the sociological and educational issues that they raise. Whilst the conference includes a traditional research paper strand, we also encourage proposals for sessions in different formats including workshops, posters, debates, cafe sessions and demonstrations aiming to sustain the dynamic and interactive discussion environment established by the opening event in Barcelona in 2010.

A Personal Learning Environment (PLE) includes the tools, communities, and services that constitute individual educational platforms learners use to direct their own learning and pursue educational goals. This represents a shift away from the traditional model of learning, and towards a model where students draw connections from a growing matrix of online and offline resources that they select and organise. To gain something of the flavour of last year¹s conference search for #PLE_BCN and see


Deadline Saturday 26th March

The conference organisers welcome 500-800 word abstracts for full or short research papers. Submissions for other types of presentation, such as workshops, symposia, demonstrations and installations are also encouraged. These can be submitted electronically via ConfTool . The full guidelines for submissions can be downloaded here.

Conference themes

Conference themes include (but are not limited to):

  • Theories and frameworks for Personal Learning Environments
  • Technologies and software for developing Personal Learning Environments
  • PLEs in Practice (case studies, approaches to using PLEs)
  • Educational institutions, change and PLEs
  • Pedagogical approaches to managing personal learning
  • The development and management of Personal Learning Networks
  • Mobile PLEs and augmented reality
  • Supporting informal and contextual learning
  • Using PLEs in organisations
  • Using PLEs for Work Based Learning
  • Mash-up PLEs
  • Presentation formats
  • Future visions:  Quo vadis PLE?

The PLE conference is especially looking for originality and relevancy of ideas and for creative proposals, in both form and content. Formats for publication and communication of research are two different things! Independently of the publication format you decide to contribute, full research paper, workshop etc., the organising committee encourages interactive and creative ways of communicating research.

Hence, we invite you to submit your contribution in the publication format you prefer and select your preference regarding the type of presentation  you wish to make (e.g.: round table discussion, bring your own laptop, cafe session, etc.) in the submission form. Once the review of papers is concluded, presentations will be organised by topics and session chairs will start liaising with participants regarding the organisation of their session. Our goal is to create spaces for meaningful discussions. In short, the purpose is to create opportunities for delegates to interact with each other and achieve real communication. We aim to promote dialogue and interactivity throughout the conference.

We welcome submissions and ideas for videos, photo collages, podcasts,  cartoons, posters – or any other kind of artifacts you can think of. In celebration of User Generated Content we will have a Mediacast Contest during the PLE Conference 2011 with awards for the best three mediacast productions on Personal Learning Environments.

A separate call for pechakucha sessions will be released shortly.

Review Process

All proposals will be subject to a peer review process and all proposals accepted will be published electronically with an ISSN number. In addition to the proceedings, we intend to publish selected conference papers in special editions of the journals that support the conference.
Please note that all submissions should be licensed under a Creative Commons licence.

Each registered participant may submit one full or short paper contribution to the conference, although further proposals in different formats are welcome.


The deadline for proposals is March 26th, 2011.
You will be notified if your submission has been accepted by April 30th.
For those submitting proceedings papers, the deadline for the receipt of the full paper is May 28th.

Final Submission Information

Full Papers
If your abstract is accepted, the full paper should be between 3000 and 5000 words. words (including references, tables and figures).

Short Papers/ Extended Abstracts
The short paper proposals are especially designed to encourage the presentation of work in progress. Short papers should be between 1500 words and 2500 words.

Workshops, Posters, Symposia, Demonstration, Installations, BringYourOwnLaptop sessions and other Formats.
Please submit your proposal indicating that you intend to make a contribution in one of these alternative formats.

Those Barcelona PLE papers

January 24th, 2011 by Graham Attwell

I(n the concluding session of the PLE conference last year in Barcelona I made a rash promise. We would go through all the papers submitted to the conference, I said, and for those authors that wished, we would seek to publish the papers in a series of special editions of journal. We had no shortage of journals, with four editions offering us space. then the problems started. it is much, much more work than I had anticipated to select appropriate papers for journals with differing foci, to organise peer reviews, to contact authors and get them to undertake the revisions requested and to finally edit and format the different contributions.

I still am not sure how I feel about the academic publishing industry (for that is what it is). I am much happier with publishing in online and open journals. But I wonder if the traditional journal format best serves knowledge development. However I recognise the i9mportasnce for individual researchers in publishing their work. And although laborious, most of the reviews we received were thoughtful and helpful, although there still remain widespread discrepancies over perceptions of academic quality.

Anyway, here is the first of our edited journals, published by the online and open journal, the Digital Education Review (the second will be in International Journal of Virtual and Personal Learning Environments – to be published this Spring.

The papers in this edition are all from authors working in Spain and the journal was edited by Ricardo Torres and myself

Strategy approach for eLearning 2.0 deployment in Universities

Oskar Casquero, Javier Portillo, Ramón Ovelar, Jesús Romo, Manuel Benito

Building Personal Learning Environments by using and mixing ICT tools in a professional way
Linda Castañeda, Javier Soto
El diseño de Entornos Personales de Aprendizaje y la formación de profesores en TIC
Julio Cabero Almenara, Julio Barroso Osuna, M.Carmen Llorente Cejudo
Ventajas pedagógicas en la aplicación del PLE en asignaturas de lengua y literatura de educación secundaria. Análisis de cinco experiencias
Rafael Martín García
Evolución y desarrollo de un Entorno Personal de Aprendizaje en la Universidad de León
Fernando Santamaria

#PLE2010 That unkeynote with Alec Couros, Graham Attwell and Friends

October 13th, 2010 by Graham Attwell

In June, together with Alec Couros, I presented the opening Keynote at the #PLE2010 Conference in Barcelona. Only it wasn’t a Keynote, it was an Unkeynote. The organising committee had asked me and Alec, who had never met face to face, to ‘do something different. And after a couple of skype talks we came up with an idea. We would set up an open Google document and ask people for their ideas. After a week we hacked together  format based ion a series of questions drawn from the Google docs and asked the community to contribute slides, messages or even videos. We edited it all tither and chatted our way through the presentation in Barcelona. Hence the attribution – Alec Couros, Graham Attwell and friends. It worked pretty well. Of course we promised to make the presentation available online. And I promised we would. Except I forgot. But enough people have nagged me into feeling guilty about not doing it.

So here it is. There is a video embed part way through and I have uploaded that separately. It is worth listening too – George Roberts almost raps lyrically on a healthy PLE. There is a Presi missing I think. I will try to find it. there is also a rumour that a video of the whole show exists somewhere. I will try to find it. But meantime I hope you enjoy the slidehare and video.

PLE2010: After Barcelona

July 26th, 2010 by Graham Attwell

The Barcelona PLE conference was a lot of fun. A great atmosphere, a fine venue and at last the chance to meet face to face with many of the people who have contributed comments on our web site over the years. We tried to break with traditional confernce presentatio0n formats to encourage more interaction between participants. And on the whole I think the change in formats worked – though as with anything there is room for improvement.

Next years PLE conference will be at the University of Southampton – watch this space for more details.But in the meantime there is plenty of work to be done. We had over 60 papers submitted to the conference. Many of them are very good. And whilst of course we have published them all (or are in the course of doing so) on the PLE conference web site, we are working on three special journal editions featuring papers from the conference. We will be in touch with many of the authors in the coming weeks and hope to include as many papers as we are able.

We are also thinking about launching a number of events in autumn and spring including hopefully, a number of online seminars. Just watch this space or the PLE2010 conference site for more details.

All about Personal Learning Environments (Part 1)

July 20th, 2010 by Graham Attwell

Multi media was very much in evidence at the PLE conference in Barcelona earlier this month. Besides the live streaming and a dazzling array of ipads and other handheld devices, we were able to use CitiLab’s own wonderfully appointed multimedia studio. Joyce Seitzinger interviewed a number of organisers, unkeynote speakers and participants as part of her “What my PLN means to me” project. There is some good stuff here, well worth viewing.

More videos to follow

Konferencja PLE BCN Barcelona 2010

July 19th, 2010 by Ilona Buchem

Konferencja PLE (PLE = Personal Learning Environments, czyli osobiste srodowiska uczenia się) miała swoją premierę w Barcelonie (8-9 lipca 2010). Byłam jedą z organizatorów i o swoich wrażeniach z tej perspektywy napisałam tutaj.  Podczas konferencji rozmawiałam o PLE i o konferencji z wieloma osobami, które zajmują się tym tematem. Ale jak widzą to studenci? Jedną z uczestniczek konferencji była Aleksandra Jaroszyńska. Aleksandra studiuje w Barcelonie od trzech lat na międzynarodowym uniwersytecie ESEI kierunek Business Administration na poziomie Bachelor. Z Aleksandrą rozmawiałam po konferencji na Skypie. Byłam ciekawa jej spojrzenia na osobiste środowiska uczenia się i jej ocenę konferencji. Chciałam dowiedzieć się, jak studenci podchodzą do PLE i co daa im ta konferencja. Oto zapis naszej rozmowy.

Ilona: Powiedz prosze, jak to się stało, że trafiłaś na konferencję PLE?

Aleksandra: Z PLE zetknełam się po raz pierwszy w czasie moich zajęć. Mój wykładwca – Ricardo Torres Kompen, docent od Information Technology, wprowadził nas w ten temat z racji tego, że razem ze swoimi współpracownikami z Anglii prowadził badania odnośnie platform dla PLE. Jako studenci zostalismy zaangażowani do organizacji konferencji.

Ilona : W jaki sposób wykładowca zbliżył was do PLE?

Aleksandra: Na samym początku nie wiedzieliśmy, że będziemy studiować koncept PLE. Na zajęciach przede wszystkim bazowaliśmy na poznawaniu narzędzi sieci 2.0 takich jak Flickr, Twitter czy Po około pół roku studiowania różnych aplikacji nasz wykładowca zadał nam jako pracę poskładanie ich wszystkich w jedno i stworzenie czegoś, co było by naszym perfekcyjnym narzędziem do nauki, czyli generalnie naszym PLE. Zajmowaliśmy się PLE z perspektywy użytkownika. Większość z nas nawet nie miała pojęcia o istnieniu Twittera czy Flickra, nie wspominając już o innych programach. Więc najpierw musieliśmy nauczyć się ich używać, potem debatowaliśmy nad tym jak mogą się przyczynić do naszego procesu nauki. A na koniec wdrażaliśmy praktykę w życie…

Ilona : A w jaki sposob “złożyłas” twoje PLE? Czym się kierowałaś?

Aleksandra: Moje PLE było dosyć specyficzne, dlatego, że oparłam je na koncepcie, którego nikt wcześniej nie założył. Dla mnie moje optymalne PLE to … mój własny computer, więc to do czego dażyłam to stworzenie wirtualnej wersji mojego PLE poprzez użycie “web operating systems”, czyli potocznie mówiac wirtualnego desktopu. Przestudiowałam kilka z dostępnych wersji pod względem tego, do jakiego stopnia mogą być one dostosowane do moich potrzeb, czyli pod względem tworzenia i modyfikowania dokumentów, słuchania muzyki, edytowania zdjeć, ale też z drugiej strony pod względem możliwości linkowania moich narzędzi sieci społecznych. Najlepszą platformą okazał się, który niestety obecnie już nie istnieje. Ale stworzyłam też moje PLE na bazie Ajax Windows. Ma więcej ograniczej, ale służy w miarę dobrze, no i wciąż jest na sieci …

Ilona : Wróćmy teraz do konferncji PLE – jak ją oceniasz?

Aleksandra: Myslę, że ze strony organizacyjnej wszystko było naprawdę świetnie przygotowane, było wiele możliwości poznania nowych ludzi i atmosfera naprawdę do tego zachęcała …

Ilona : Ale…

Aleksandra: Ale problem dla mnie i moich znajomych z uniwersytetu, którzy pomagali przy organizacji to było ukierunkowanie konferencji. Większość sesji i warsztatów była przeznaczona dla nauczycieli albo profesjonalistów zajmujących się badaniami nad PLE. Dla nas studentów byłoby dużo ciekawiej, gdyby zostały przedstawione nowe metody tworzenia PLE albo nowe platformy i aplikacje, ktróre mogłyby nasze PLE wzbogacić. Generalnie brakowało mi praktycznego podejscia do PLE. Większość konferencji, przynajmniej te sesje, w których uczestniczyłam, dotyczyły głównie konceptu PLE. My mieliśmy nadzieję na to, że dowiemy się np. jak używać PLE na studiach i w pracy.

Ilona : Rozumiem. Jestem ciekawa, czy Twoje spojrzenie na PLE zmieniło się przez tą konferencję?

Aleksandra: Powiedziałabym, że się rozszeżyło. Osobiście wciaż mam swoją własną wizję PLE jako miejsca, w którym znajdują się wszystkie materiały, których używam do nauki, rozrywki i generalnie rozwijania się. Natomiast rozmawiając z innymi użytkownikami PLE i słuchajac konferencji, zdałam sobie sprawę, że PLE nie jest tylko tym, czego nauczyl nas nasz wykładowca. Zrozumiałam, że PLE to znaczeniowo dużo szerszy koncept. Generalnie, pierwotne podchodziłam do PLE z punktu czysto wirtualnego, czyli moje pierwotne PLE zawierało jedynie “digital resources”, czyli zasoby wirtualne. Konferencja PLE uświadomiła mi po pierwsze, że PLE może istnieć poza komputerem. Po drugie, że dla wielu, PLE nie jest bazą danych informacji, ale łańcuchem, który łączy wiele informacji i tworzy przez to “ściezkę nauki“.

Ilona : To z czego składa się Twoje PLE?

Aleksandra: Moje PLE można podzielić na sekcje, które zresztą są widoczne w ułożeniu mojego pulpitu. Pierwsza część to wszystkie moje dokumenty, prezentacje, artykuły i prace, czyli typowa część biurowa, czyli to, co zazwyczaj nosimy na naszym USB. Druga część to sieć 2.0, czyli linki do Facebooka, Flickra i do moich bookmarków. Generalnie wszystko, co używam na sieci do kontaktowania się ze znajomymi i do szukania informacji. Trzecia część to moje ulubione RSS feeds, które mam zachowane – mój desktop wyświetla mi nowe artykuły, które się pojawiaja w moich ulubionych magazynach. No i dodatkowo to, co cenię w moim PLE to to jak mi pomaga w organizacji, czyli to, że mogę dodać do niego kalendarz, prognozę pogody, listę rzeczy do zrobienia, itp – czyli typowe dla aplikacji internetowych “widgets”. Poza tym z mojego PLE mam bezpośredni dostęp do moich e-maili, które są importowane ze wszystkich moich kont mailowych oraz dostęp do wszystkich komunikatorów, takich jak  Google Talk, MSN, itp.

Ilona : Czy są jakieś problemy związane z prowadzeniem takiego własnego PLE?

Aleksandra: Główny problem to stabilność platformy. W związku z tym, że używam mojego PLE na bazie wirtualnego pulpitu, dostep do niego i jego funkcjonalność jest zależna od osób trzecich no i niestety, jak widać na przykładzie, czasami jest to duży problem. Jest wiele innych problemów, na przykład to, że każda platforma oferuje coś innego, więc tak naprawdę cieżko jest znaleźć perfekcyjną wersję, która będzie zawierać wszystko to, czego potrzebuję w moim PLE. Szczerze mówiąc zbudowałam moje PLE ponad rok temu, ale pół roku temu kupiłam jeden z tych małych przenośnych laptopów i odkąd go mam, używam mojego wirtualnego PLE coraz mniej …

Ilona : Dlaczego?

Aleksandra: Bo głowną zaletą tego podejścia jest to, że PLE jako wirtualny pulpit jest dostępny z każdego komputera. W tej chwili mój laptop jest na tyle przenośny, że nie potrzebuję wirtualnego dostępu do pulpit, tylko noszę go ze sobą 🙂 Generalnie wszystkie moje aplikacje są dostępne z pulpitu mojego komputera. Muszę jednak przyznać, że dużo łatwiej jest stworzyć taki dostęp z wirtualnego pulpitu niż z tego faktycznego w moim komputerze. Wiec to może być duży plus dla pozostania w wirtualnym PLE.

To była bardzo ciekawa rozmowa. Bardzo chciałabym się dowiedzieć, jakich narzędzi sieci 2.0 używacie? Co jest Wszym osobistym środowiskiem uczenia się?

PLE2010 Conference – what did we achieve

July 17th, 2010 by Graham Attwell

Dave shows off the super sized Manchester PLE
Photo Samscam

Its been a week off from the blog. Following the PLE2010 conference in Barcelona I took a short holiday. And since I have been back I have been fighting (unsuccessfully) a power failure in my office. So now I am squatting in a friend’s house and using my laptop.

I have much to say about the PLE2010 conference – I am not quite sure where to start.

Firstly it was a truly social conference – social in the both face to face and distant participants were involved in the different sessions. Social too, in the way the pre-conference discussions ran into the conference proper and then into the discussions at coffee breaks and in the evening. The formal conference was just one part of the whole event. And social in the use of media. Besides the live streaming of many sessions, it woudl appear the conference generated over 5000 tweets on the first day (the tweets are archived here).Indeed, for many of us it was the first chance to meet face to face people we have been collaborating with on line for a long time.

Much of this was down to the design of the conference. the pre-conference publicity and discuxxiosn had been focused on social media and in particualr twitter. And the programme design, from unkeynotes to cafe style sessions, debates amnd workshops, was signed to facilitate social interaction and participation. And it is encouraging that many have said they will relook at how they are organising conferences and draw on our ideas.

But what about the ideas? Firstly it was very heartening to see that we seemed to have moved beyond the stage of defining a PLE by what it is not i.e. not a VLE. Instead participants were looking outwards, at how to support learning. I am not sure how much we shared common understandings and meanings around PLEs (sadly I cannot find a record of the session which tried to arrive at such a common definition) but there seemed sufficient understanding for common debates.

One controversial issue was how far it was possible to provide an institutional PLE. This debate was driven by the folks from SAPO Campus in Portugal who are trying to do just that (and still managing to find time for late night and in depth analysis of the failings of the Portugese football team!). My own take is that I do not mind where the tools for a PLE come from as long as the leaner is in control.

Two ‘discourses’ particularly heartened me. The first was between educational researchers and practitioners and software and technical developers. This is an oft troubled discourse in the ed tech community. It may be that the common understandings around the idea of a PLE are allowing these different groups to work together in new ways. I particularly enjoyed the session on using Google Wave as a PLE and was impressed by the Talkingabout video sharing site. But what charatcterised these ideas – as in others I could not attend but heard from others about – was the innovation in appropriating technologies for pedagogic innovation.

Another – and more problematic but recurrent discourse was the issue of motivation. Participants were trying to develop PLEs with students inside the schooling and university systems. But surveys and anecdotal evidence suggests students are wary being overly focused on what work they need to do to pass exams, rather than exploring ideas and learning. And most students view direct didactic teaching as the best approach to passing their exams. As such they have little time for reflection or indeed little understanding as to why they should engage in such activity. This is problematic. We may consider their longer term learning important and thus view the development of meta-cognition and problem solving a priority. But perhaps inevitably under the present education systems their major concern is just to jump the next hurdle in the education race.

My only personal disappointment was that the major focus for PLE development and implementation for the vast majority of participants was for learners within schools and universities. There was limited interest in work based learning or in learning outside teh existing systems – the very areas where I think PLEs have the greatest potential.

Indeed, I think we have to consider the wider issue of where to locate the PLE debate. Clearly it is not just another instance of educational technology. But neither can it be easily subsumed in considerations of pedagogic approaches to the use of ICT for learning. I increasingly feel that the whole issue of PLEs is closely related to the ongoing discussions around open education. The very promise of PLEs is to understand the use of technology for learning in a new way, in a context where learning becomes part of society and is free and open to all.

But now there is a lot of work to be done. We have over 70 papers and many offers of publications. Most participants seemed to assume that PLE2011 was already on the cards (watch this blog for more news on that). And the bigger question is how we can use the ideas and networks generated by the conference to build a collective community of practice based on networking and sharing. Any thoughts or ideas  very welcome.

Live from Barcelona

July 7th, 2010 by Graham Attwell

Just a quick note from the PLE2010 conference in Barcelona. We will be starting our Sounds of the Bazaar LIVE radio show (see news story below) at 1915 CET not 1830 as previously advertised.


Here are the podcast versions of our two live radio shows from the PLE-Conference in Barcelona. More details will follow.

Enjoy it!

The PLE2010 unKeynote – how you can take part

July 7th, 2010 by Graham Attwell

This morning I met face to face with Alec Couros together with whom I am delivering the unKeynote presentation to the PLE2010 conference in Barcelonatomorrow morning.

We have crowd sourced the presentation. In response to the nine questions we posted 10 days ago, we have received over 25 replies, including slides, text, audio and video content. We have put all the slides together which will be the basis for the unKeynote tomorrow. You are all invited to take part. We will have roving microphones for those of you lucky enough to be with us in Barcelona. And for those of you who cannot be her face to face, just ask your comments or ask questions using the #PLE_BCN hash tag. Cristina Costa and Joyce Seitzinger (better known to the Twitterati as Catspyjamasnz) will be monitoring the twitterfeed and bringing to our attention your tweets. We are going to work with three screens – one for the crowd sourced slides, one for twitter and a third for our skrbl boards. For each of the key questions we have set up an open Scrbl board for participants. And if you don’t want to wait until tomorrow – you can contribute your ideas on the skrbl boards now. Here are the questions and the urls for the scrbl boards. The unKeynote runs from 9.15 to 1015 CET tomorrow (Thursday morning) and there are rumours it will be streamed (watch the hashtag tweets for details).

UPDATE – you can watch live stream from here –

  1. With all of the available Web 2.0 tools, is there a need for “educational technology”? –
  2. What are the implications of PLEs/PL on traditional modes/structures of education? –
  3. What are the key attributes of a healthy PLE/PLN? –
  4. What pedagogies are inspired by PLEs (e.g., networked learning, connected learning)? Give examples of where PLEs/PLNs have transformed practice.-
  5. What are the implications of PLEs/PLNs beyond bringing educational technology into the classroom, and specifically toward workplace/professional learning? –
  6. If PLEs/PLNs are becoming the norm, what does it mean for teachers/trainers (or the extension: what does it mean for training teachers & trainers)?-
  7. As our networks continue to grow, what strategies should we have in managing our contacts, our connections, and our attention? Or, extension, how scalable are PLEs/PLNs? –
  8. Can we start thinking beyond PLEs/PLNs as models? Are we simply at a transitional stage? What will be the next, new model for learning in society? (e.g., where are we headed?) –

And after the presentation we will be publishing our works and yours – together!

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    News Bites

    Cyborg patented?

    Forbes reports that Microsoft has obtained a patent for a “conversational chatbot of a specific person” created from images, recordings, participation in social networks, emails, letters, etc., coupled with the possible generation of a 2D or 3D model of the person.

    Racial bias in algorithms

    From the UK Open Data Institute’s Week in Data newsletter

    This week, Twitter apologised for racial bias within its image-cropping algorithm. The feature is designed to automatically crop images to highlight focal points – including faces. But, Twitter users discovered that, in practice, white faces were focused on, and black faces were cropped out. And, Twitter isn’t the only platform struggling with its algorithm – YouTube has also announced plans to bring back higher levels of human moderation for removing content, after its AI-centred approach resulted in over-censorship, with videos being removed at far higher rates than with human moderators.

    Gap between rich and poor university students widest for 12 years

    Via The Canary.

    The gap between poor students and their more affluent peers attending university has widened to its largest point for 12 years, according to data published by the Department for Education (DfE).

    Better-off pupils are significantly more likely to go to university than their more disadvantaged peers. And the gap between the two groups – 18.8 percentage points – is the widest it’s been since 2006/07.

    The latest statistics show that 26.3% of pupils eligible for FSMs went on to university in 2018/19, compared with 45.1% of those who did not receive free meals. Only 12.7% of white British males who were eligible for FSMs went to university by the age of 19. The progression rate has fallen slightly for the first time since 2011/12, according to the DfE analysis.

    Quality Training

    From Raconteur. A recent report by global learning consultancy Kineo examined the learning intentions of 8,000 employees across 13 different industries. It found a huge gap between the quality of training offered and the needs of employees. Of those surveyed, 85 per cent said they , with only 16 per cent of employees finding the learning programmes offered by their employers effective.

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