As promised more on the Training of Trainers. The presentation is based on research we are undertaling through the TTplus project. The project aims to support and improve the continuing professional development of trainers and has been examining the context in which training takes place in enterprises and the effectiveness of present policies and provision for the training of trainers.
The project is developing a framework for the continuing professional development of trainers and examining different measures and mechanism for implementing the professional development framework.
The research undertaken by the project showed that the number of trainers in Europe has increased. These ‘trainers’ include full time trainers, people with a formal training responsibility and all those for whom supporting the learning of others is part of their job. It also concluded that many of these people do not have effective or adequate access to continuing professional development opportunities or support or recognition for their own learning.
It is clear that if the standards of training are to be raised, improving the training of trainers must be a priority. However, given the heterogeneous nature of the group and the range of sectors and occupations in which they work, it is difficult to see how this could be standardised, or indeed whether it is desirable to do so. Certainly some sort of common framework would have advantages. It would provide a degree of coherence to what is a very fragmented field. It would increase the visibility of trainer training and in so doing, increase awareness. It could also stimulate the establishment of communities of practice between trainers.
The TT-Plus project has the objective of designing a framework for professional development for trainers in Europe. One approach to this is to develop an accreditation framework. Educational accreditation is a type of quality assurance process under which an organisations’ services and operations are examined by a third-party accrediting agency to determine if applicable standards are met. Should the facility meet the accrediting agency’s standards, the facility receives accredited status from the accrediting agency. Such accreditation often takes the form of a ‘kitemark’ or quality mark designed to show that the organization has met the standards.
The challenges in designing an accreditation system for trainers are three-fold:
Firstly, how can a framework reflect the TTPlus project research findings and be –
- Inclusive enough to accommodate the diversity of people labeled ‘trainers’ and the diversity of contexts in which they work.
- An instrument for improving the quality of practice
- A process to improve and increase access to training opportunities for trainers
Secondly, how can a framework incorporate the best features of previous approaches whilst minimising their disadvantages. Specifically how can a framework:
- Identify ‘gaps’ in organizational or individual trainer ‘performance’ AND simultaneously facilitate the learning necessary to close the gaps
- Provide recognition and reward for both individuals and organisations.
- Be relevant and sensitive to a range of occupational identities
Thirdly, how can a single framework be flexible enough to allow sectoral, local, regional and national variation whilst still maintaining transnational coherence and a shared European approach?
In short, how can standards be improved without standardization?
The project has produced a consultation paper outlining a possible solution based on a set of common or shared elements and another set of elements where there are choices or divergences to be made at country, organizational or individual level.
The paper elaborates on six ‘components’ of the frameworktogether with linking mechanisms.
- A set of principles
- A set of standards
- An infrastructure
- Processes and mechanisms for applying them and documentation.
- Tools and materials to help those engaged in the process
- Exemplars of evidence
The full consultation document can be downloaded here – Framework for the Professional Development of Trainers.. If you are involved in the training of trainers – or are just interested in te topic we would like to hear your views on the Framework